The Manor Worker was a figure around which the organizational, productive and social life of southern ancient manor houses of early ‘900 was polarized.
This sort of farmer, after working all day, used to boil a cauldron of water with very little salt.
Other farmers, in a queue, used to slice up some bread and put it in wooden bowls; then the Manor Worker poured some salted water and olive oil into the bowls.
The house of the Manor Worker originates from the idea of having a place detached from the Manor House but still being part of it.iuta alle falde del Vesuvio.
Typical dishes of the Neapolitan cuisine, often defined “poor”, but richer than many others because “nothing gets wasted”. Taralli, pane cafone, pasta and beans, traditional fried dishes, 8 hours cooked ragù.
The flavor of memories reworked by the Manor Worker combined with a good glass of wine.
At the house of the Manor Worker, the menu is not fixed. Everyday there will be different offers depending on the pantry.